Feel in control with a better grip on your Locum finances


Locum Finance reports

Locum Finance Reports

Locum Organiser gives you flexible, clear financial reports, which tell you pretty much everything you need to know – e.g. past earnings, how much each practice owes you, the value of future bookings.

There are a number of reports provided as standard, such as a monthly invoicing report (below), your total earnings in the tax year and the number of hours worked in each practice (useful for indemnity cover). These should cover your day-to-day needs.

But you needn’t be limited by the standard reports provided – all reports can easily be changed to show exactly the information you need – just by dragging the fields in the report around.

You can save your customised reports to see future figures in this format and you can set a starting report which you see each time you log in. Your figures – your way.

All reports can be printed or downloaded in several formats including Excel and PDF.

Feedback is consistent in that this screen gives locums a better grip on their finances and makes them feel more in control.



Record your expenses for tax

Make sure you pay only your fair share of tax

To make sure you pay only your fair share of tax, you’ll need to be diligent about recording expenses incurred as part of your work. Some good advice from our friendly accountant – “Even if you are not sure if it is allowable… write it down”.

Locum Organiser has a simple and fast expenses screen where you can record anything and everything.
Expenses can be categorised for easy reporting and you can create your own categories so you could even have one for “Not sure about this…” for items to check with your accountant later.

Our expenses screen is designed to be fast on mobile, so why not create a link on your home screen, then you can easily enter expenses when out and about, before they get forgotten.

The tax saved by complete recording of expenses can be considerable.

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