Locum Organiser costs just £15.99 per month to use as much as you like.

And that’s tax deductible.


For new users, we have a free trial period of 3 months.

Ample time to see if our service fits the bill


Free for Practices

Practices don’t have to pay to use our site to help them find locums. We provide a free service to practices in order to help our locums get work.


Cost Effective

If you choose to use LO to help you get work, it usually only needs to bring in one half-day session to pay for itself for the year – then your admin is effectively taken care of for free!

No strings attached

Of course, we hope everyone will find it invaluable and well worth the fee, certainly most do, but there’s no obligation for anyone to continue their membership and it’s not necessary to enter credit card details to start the trial.

Should you wish to stop using the service, you can close your account at any time. There’s no notice period or tie-in.

Alternatively, if you have a break from locuming, say for maternity leave, travelling etc. we can suspend your subscription so you stop paying, but we’ll keep all your data for your return. Just pay when you want to start using the system again.

  • "This is an excellent website and has definitely helped me save money."

  • "I am one of the GP locums  using your website Locumorganiser. I am hugely impressed by your website."

  • Dr. Stephanie De Giorgio

    "Going back to locuming after a few years as a partner was terrifying because of one issue, the paperwork involved. It had been enough to make me give up locuming previously and I was dreading having to navigate it again. Luckily, in the intervening few years, LocumOrganiser had been invented. I saw it advertised on social media and heard other people talk about it so had a look at the website and downloaded a trial. Now, imagine finding something that makes you so happy you actually dance around the room. Well I did. The way that the team have created this website means that invoicing, pension forms, expenses etc is almost effortless once you have put in a few details to start with. The other thing that they have done brilliantly are the help bits. I have found answers to questions I had quickly and easily. The team are also easily contactable for any questions that I had. Sometimes you find something that takes away an issue that has been using up so much of your headspace fretting about it………..locum organiser is one of those things. Genius."

    Portfolio GP

  • "I have recently started locuming and am finding your locum organiser site really useful, thankyou!"

  • "Excellent addition. Am further impressed with the design of this site. The link to the contact details via the iPhone is brilliant as I regularly go on a visit in a new practice and don't have the contact details for the practice with me!"

Get a Free Trial!   See if our service fits the billFree Trial