Are you a Practice?

If you’re a GP Practice looking for locums, we have a special free site to help you find those available in your area.

  • "Locum Organiser is completely brilliant and a very helpful tool. Thank you! "

  • "Website is great! Can't imagine what I'd be doing for organisation without it, will definitely be subscribing! Thanks also from my accountant who also has very good things to say. Well done!"

  • "Excellent site, very user friendly and has everything to help organise my finances - thank you and well done!"

  • "Just wanted to say the site is great - really helps the organisation side of locuming and takes away some of the stress! Thanks so much"

  • "Just want to say that the 'Bookmarks' feature is a stroke of genius! It's so handy having personalised short-cuts to online documents/handouts that I frequently use and can access from anywhere. Keep up the good work!"

  • "I'd just like to say how impressed at the levels of detail and thought put into your product. It is absolutely outstanding and is very easy to use. I'm particularly impressed with the links to the address and phone number that appear in each calendar entry! Thanks and I look forward to being a long-term user."

  • "Am just new to the website and locum-ing world, and so far have found your site very intuitive. Much better having it online than just on one PC"

  • "I have very much appreciated your website and all it has to offer, over my last three months of locuming."

  • "thank you for all of your hard work on my behalf - locum organiser is an excellent service!"

  • "Thanks for providing such a great website, has got me really organised!"

  • "Thanks for providing such a great website, has got me really organised!"

  • "Love this web tool! Keep up the great work. "

  • "I am really pleased with the site and finding it very versatile. The finance page is very clever."

  • "One of the few sad aspects of my taking up a partnership is having to stop using your amazing service but I no longer have any need for it."

  • "Quick note to say big thank you for supporting me with this fantastic software as a newbie sessional GP. Practices have been very impressed with my invoicing quality and process and also very complementary. Keep up the good work and best of luck with the future of the company. Thanks once again."

  • "Excellent addition. Am further impressed with the design of this site. The link to the contact details via the iPhone is brilliant as I regularly go on a visit in a new practice and don't have the contact details for the practice with me!"

  • "All the best and thanks again for all your work and efforts - I really do like the website and it satisfies the 'completer finisher' in me to use it."

  • "I have just signed up to your site and must say it looks great. Loads of functionality and a great looking interface."

  • "Just wanted to say the site is great - really helps the organisation side of locuming and takes away some of the stress! Thanks so much"

  • "I think this is fantastic. Much easier than the old way I was keeping records on Excel and using Word etc for invoicing etc."

  • "I am one of the GP locums  using your website Locumorganiser. I am hugely impressed by your website."

  • "Hi, thanks for setting up such a good website. Have been using it a lot following your demo to the Poole / Bournemouth registrars."

  • "I think the website is fantastic and as a GP new to locuming it has addressed all my anxieties about managing the bookings, invoicing, pension forms etc, so thank you!"

  • "Thanks again for your brilliant website - I can’t begin to tell you how much it has transformed/enhanced my locum activities"

  • "The website works brilliantly for me, and you have made the administrative side of being a locum a breeze!"

  • "I have nothing but good things to say about your website - it was a great help in the world of locuming."

  • "I have just started locuming and came across your site by chance.  I think its brilliant and is making my life so much easier."

  • "This is an excellent website and has definitely helped me save money."

  • "I love this website - makes my life so much simpler!!"

  • "I love locum organiser, it has saved my life!"

  • "Locum Organiser is my lifeline at the moment! I'm booking locum work up and it has been wonderful - such a huge help to keeping myself organised."

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